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WINTERVILLE, North Carolina (April 15, 2021) - The Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance was excited to participate in a conversation this week focusing on adult learning and ways to strengthen the local workforce. The discussion took place on the evening of Wednesday, April 14 with local, regional, and statewide education advocates.

Steve Weathers, president and CEO, Brad Hufford, vice president of business development, and David Horn, director of investor and community relations, joined representatives from Pitt Community College (PCC), the John M. Belk Endowment, and myFutureNC.

The meeting was scheduled in an effort to develop and establish strategies to strengthen the educational and economic pipelines for adult learners in the eastern region of North Carolina. This pilot program promoting the recruitment of more adult learners, classified as over the age of 25, to some level of post-secondary education and training. As a partnership between PCC and the John M. Belk Endowment, the goal is to launch this path in the Fall of 2021.

The discussion about adult learning took place at Pitt Community College on April 14, 2021.

PCC joins Fayetteville Technical Community College, Vance-Granville Community College, Durham Technical Community College, and Blue Ridge Community College in the pilot program. The Belk Endowment wants to take the model established at these five NC community colleges and implement the program in other states.

Weathers, a certified economic developer, joined the conversation from an economic development standpoint. He has nearly 30 years of experience in economic development in several states across the nation. With over 15 years of experience in economic development in the eastern North Carolina region, Hufford attended to share how this program would benefit industry attraction initiatives. Horn attended with interest in workforce development and expertise in community advocacy.

The three worked with other professionals, education experts, and community leaders in the region to discuss ideas and concepts. Leaders plan to form a working task force. This group will begin outlining strategies in May.



Maria Satira

Rob Goldberg