Greenville - El Presidente y Director General de ENC Alliance, elegido miembro del Consejo de Administración de la Cámara de Comercio

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GREENVILLE, North Carolina (December 17, 2020) – Steve Weathers, president and CEO of the Greenville – Eastern North Carolina Alliance was recently elected to the Greenville – Pitt County Chamber of Commerce 2021 Board of Directors.

“I am honored to serve as a member of this dynamic and talented board,” said Weathers. “I’m looking forward to working with community leaders who are passionate about growing Greenville and helping businesses succeed.”

Weathers, a certified economic developer with nearly 30 years of experience in the industry, will serve as a Director at Large for one term.

“Business leaders who agree to serve on the Chamber’s Board of Directors share a deep commitment to creating and supporting an environment in which we all can thrive,” said Greenville – Pitt County Chamber of Commerce president Kate Teel. “The visionary guidance our board gives our Chamber partners will continue to be of importance as our businesses and community continues to emerge from the impacts of 2020.”

Jonathan Taft, principal at Taft Family Ventures, has been named chair for the 2021 board. Van Smith, executive vice president of Vidant Medical Center, has been named chair-elect and will serve in 2022.

“This is an important and significant year as we address challenges and opportunities related to our community, economic development, growth and support amid a global pandemic,” said Taft. “We will continue to build strong partnerships and connections to benefit the Pitt County business community for a stronger 2021.”

In addition to Weathers, other new board members include Kris Carroll, Grady-White Boats; Michael Gregory, Hyster-Yale Group; Dr. Virginia Hardy, East Carolina University; Scott Senatore, Vidant Health Foundation; Peter von Stein, Ward & Smith, P.A.; Dr. Shondell Jones, Kinetic Physical Therapy & Wellness; Gregg Green, Great Harvest Bread Company; Brian Barnett, Pitt County; and Aileen Peacock, Rock Springs Center.

“The business community in Greenville is incredible. It’s truly unlike any other across the nation and the involvement and activism of its local chamber is a fine example of that,” said Weathers. “This type of community engagement is essential to having a business climate that fosters growth, prosperity, and success.”

Click here to view the full list of the 2021 Greenville - Pitt County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.