The Grow in Greenville website, a sub-brand of the Greenville ENC Alliance, showcases Greenville-Pitt County as a premier location for growing a career while enjoying the area's quality of life and lower cost of living.
East Carolina University has reached a historic milestone, earning the prestigious Research 1 (R1) designation — placing it among the nation’s top-tier research universities. This recognition, announced this week by the American Council on Education and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, solidifies ECU’s place as a top institution.
One year into their partnership with Prescribe FIT, Orthopaedics East & Sports Medicine Center is proud to announce substantial patient health improvements.
The State of North Carolina announced 16,956 new jobs in the state in 2024, representing 218 business recruitment, expansion, or rural development projects.
The 2024 Economic Performance Report contains nearly 100 graphs and charts with data analyzing economic insights in the Greenville-Pitt County MSA, peer markets, North Carolina, and the United States
The Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance and the Crisp Small Business Resource Center at East Carolina University were honored to co-host a town hall for small businesses in Greenville-Pitt County on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at ECU’s Main Campus Student Center.
In an annual report published by United Van Lines, the Greenville, NC MSA was identified as one of the top 25 most moved-to locations during 2024.
As we look back on 2024, the Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance celebrates a year of record-breaking success through new investment, job creation, partnership, and collaboration.
The Greenville ENC Alliance, a public-private partnership supporting economic development efforts in Pitt County, North Carolina, welcomes a record number of private sector investors that have pledged to support the organization’s FY 2024-2029 capital campaign.
In a recent report released by Site Selection Group, a full-service location advisory, economic incentives, and real estate services firm, North Carolina is ranked as the best state nationwide for manufacturing.
An award-winning partnership set a new record as 1,500 jobseekers attended the fourth annual “Better Skills, Better Jobs” career fair in Greenville, North Carolina on October 3, 2024.
In a recent study by USA Today Homefront, Greenville was ranked as the third best city to move to in North Carolina. The study looked at the southeast region which is noted as the fasted growing region in the south.
Pitt County presented two local manufacturers with honors at the 30th Annual Existing Industries Reception. Pitt County Industry of the Year awards went to Fuji Silysia Chemical USA Ltd. and Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc.
The largest job fair of its kind in eastern North Carolina is returning for the fourth year to address workforce development needs in Pitt County and surrounding areas.
The Greenville ENC Alliance received three 2024 Excellence in Economic Development Awards from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). The organization, representing the 25,000 - 200,000 population size category, received two Gold Awards and one Silver Award for its economic development marketing projects.
Attindas, which designs and manufactures high-quality absorbent hygiene products, announces an expansion project bringing 25 new jobs with an average wage of $56,746 and $26,200,000 in new capital investment to Greenville-Pitt County.
UNX-Christeyns, a detergent and cleaning product manufacturer headquartered in Greenville, announces an expansion project bringing 21 new jobs with an average wage of $59,857 and $10,500,000 in new capital investment to Greenville-Pitt County.
Nipro Medical Corporation, a leader in the global healthcare and medical device industry, has selected Pitt County for its first North American manufacturing center of excellence, creating 232 jobs.
The Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance, Pitt County, and City of Greenville are thrilled to welcome Nipro Medical Corporation, a leading global healthcare and medical device manufacturer, to Pitt County, bringing $397.8 million in new capital investment and 232 new jobs.
An industrial site in Farmville is noted as one of the Top 15 best sites across North Carolina to serve major advanced manufacturing projects.
The Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance begins the new 2024-2025 Fiscal Year with a strong, engaged board of directors and executive leadership.
The North Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) has approved 20 grant requests to local governments on Thursday, June 20, with three of those grants going to applicants from Pitt County.
New bike racks have been installed in downtown Greenville in an effort to provide more consistent, visible, and secure bike parking options while promoting active mobility. The 13 racks are located at six destinations between downtown and the Greenville Town Common.
In this Q&A Series, Greenville ENC Alliance President and CEO Josh Lewis sat down with Pitt County Manager Janis Gallagher to discuss collaborative economic development, workforce and talent retention, and future plans for growth in Pitt County.
Boviet Solar, a global renewable energy company, will create 908 new jobs in Pitt County. The company will invest more than $294 million to locate its first North American solar panel manufacturing facility in the City of Greenville.
The Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance, Pitt County, and City of Greenville are excited to welcome Boviet Solar to Pitt County, North Carolina. The project is expected to bring $294 million in new capital investment and 908 new jobs to Greenville-Pitt County.
Livability Greenville-Pitt County, North Carolina, is a new annual print magazine and digital content marketing program dedicated to fostering talent recruitment and relocation to our region.
A Pitt County ambulance and apparatus dealership and service provider announced an expansion creating 10 jobs with an average wage of $70,928 and investing $1,450,000 in the project. Atlantic Emergency Solutions, Inc. is a provider of metal fabrication, paint, graphics, maintenance and warranty work on fire trucks and other emergency vehicles.
The Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Catalent, the City of Greenville, the Greenville-ENC Alliance, Pitt County Economic Development, and Pitt County Schools, is set to launch Grow Local Week, scheduled for April 15-19, 2024.
A speculative industrial building in Indigreen Corporate Park will soon be in development through a partnership with the Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance, Marlboro Development Team (MDT), Greenville Utilities Commission (GUC), and City of Greenville.
Metronet has officially declared the City of Greenville a Certified Gigabit City Powered by Metronet after the company’s ultra-high-speed, multi-gigabit fiber optic network became accessible to a majority of households and businesses throughout the city.
As the Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance continues to focus on promoting the Greenville-Pitt County area, the economic development organization hired a new staff member to support marketing efforts.
In this Q&A Series interview, East Carolina University Chancellor Dr. Philip Rogers shares his thoughts and insight on how education aligns with economic development. Dr. Rogers became ECU's 12th chancellor on March 15, 2021.
TowneBank and Towne Insurance, a Diamond Level Investor in the Greenville ENC Alliance, has officially opened the doors to the new Greenville Financial Center. The 30,000-square-foot, two-story building is located at the intersection of Red Banks Road and Arlington Boulevard.
As we look back on 2023, the Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance celebrates a year of economic development success, partnership, and collaboration in Greenville, Pitt County, and eastern North Carolina.
There are many partners and organizations involved in successful economic development programs and initiatives. Josh Lewis, the Greenville ENC Alliance’s president and CEO, had an opportunity to sit down with Dr. Michael Waldrum, CEO of ECU Health and Dean of the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University.
The Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge, the Greenville-Pitt County Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Greenville Eastern North Carolina Alliance, and Pitt County Economic Development collectively announced that Pitt County’s nonprofit arts and culture industry generated $18,037,461 in economic activity in 2022, according to the newly released Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6), an economic and social impact study conducted by Americans for the Arts.
ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc., has designated a 374-acre Smart Site in Ayden, North Carolina, a public power community. The designation guarantees that the prime industrial rail-served site has met stringent requirements and is shovel-ready for new development.
In this Leadership Q&A Series interview, Josh Lewis, the Greenville ENC Alliance’s president and CEO, sat down with Tony Cannon, General Manager and CEO of Greenville Utilities Commission (GUC).
Josh Lewis, the Greenville ENC Alliance’s president and CEO, sat down with Pitt Community College president Dr. Lawrence Rouse, who has more than 40 years of experience in community college administration.
In a new report sponsored by Wells Fargo, North Carolina is ranked as the second best state in the nation for women-owned business.
Catalent Pharma Solutions, a full-service contract development and manufacturing company in Greenville that specializes in novel oral solid dosage forms and provides pharmaceutical development, analytical testing, and commercial manufacturing services, is expanding its operations and creating new jobs.
A new National Metro Comparison report published by the North Carolina Technology Association ranked Greenville in the top 110 metropolitan areas for technology innovation. The study looked at sub-categories including energy tech, environmental tech, life sciences, and IT.
Pitt County presented three existing industries with honors at the 29th Annual Existing Industries Reception. Industry of the Year honors went to Avient of Greenville and CMI Plastics of Ayden. The first ever Trailblazer Award went to CMP Pharma of Farmville.
As the Greenville ENC Alliance works to support Greenville – Pitt County through economic development, two new staff members have joined the team to fill new roles. The organization welcomes Narges Lahiji as a senior research analyst and Baylee Fox as a business development manager.
The Rivers East Workforce Development Board (WDB) is excited to announce its Made in Pitt County Project in collaboration with the Pitt County NCWorks Career Center, NENC Career Pathways, Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce, Pitt County Schools, Pitt Community College, Pitt County Economic Development and Greenville ENC Alliance.
The Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance received two 2023 Excellence in Economic Development Awards from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC).
The largest job fair of its kind in eastern North Carolina is returning for the third year on October 5 to address workforce development needs in Pitt County and surrounding areas.
The Greenville Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance, a public-private partnership focused on economic development in Greenville – Pitt County, welcomes Pitt County as a Sustaining Investor in the organization.
ノースカロライナ州は、投資と雇用創出においてゴールドスタンダードを上回った州を表彰する『Area Development』誌の「2023 Platinum Shovel Award」を受賞した。
After several years of continued product innovation, broadening beverage categories and growing consumer demands, Minges Bottling Group expands its footprint and capabilities in eastern North Carolina.
グリーンビル・イースタン・ノースカロライナ(ENC)アライアンス・スタッフを対象とした2日間の現地視察とトレーニング・ワークショップの後、グリーンビルMSAはFDI-Qualified Communityの認定を受けた。
ノースカロライナ州東部には多くの素晴らしい資産があり、素晴らしいビジネスや産業はそのほんの一部に過ぎません。グリーンビルとピット郡を本拠地とする2つの強力な例がある:Pecheles Automotive GroupとCustom Building Company (CBC)である。
ノースカロライナ州が、Business Facilities誌の年間ランキングで「最もビジネス環境が良い州」に選ばれた。昨年、同誌のランキングで2位だったタールヒール州は、新規プロジェクトと雇用創出によって首位に躍り出た。
2021年に経済開発で大きな成功を収めたノースカロライナは、2年連続でSite Selection's Prosperity Cupを受賞した。この全国的な賞は、州レベルの経済開発機関の成功を10項目の指標に基づいて評価するものである。
グリーンビル・イースタン・ノースカロライナ(ENC)アライアンスは、グリーンビル・ピット郡商工会議所のイニシアチブであるGrow Localのパートナーを務めることを誇りに思います。グリーンビル・イースタン・ノースカロライナ(ENC)アライアンスは、2022年3月28日から4月1日まで1週間にわたって開催されるこのイベントのスポンサーとして、他の団体と提携している。
ピット郡とその周辺地域における労働力開発のニーズに対応する方法として、この種のものとしてはノースカロライナ州東部で最大規模の就職フェアが今月末に開催される。ピット・コミュニティ・カレッジ(PCC)は、ジョン・M・ベルク基金、グリーンビル・イースタン・ノースカロライナ(ENC)アライアンス、ピット郡経済開発と協力し、10月26日にグリーンビル・コンベンション・センターで「Better Skills, Better Jobs」ジョブフェアを開催する。